Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Continue begiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.....................

This is in continuation of the previous post. First, let me exaplin the title "Continue begiiiiiiiiiiiiiin............."

Our PT sir in Delhi used to shout out that command, supposedly to tell us to continue with the exercises after a rest. But he used to say that even for the first exercise of the day !!! Continue?? continue what ??? :D

Anyway, so there were a lot more jhakaas statements our Java instructor. The following are the funniest ones. Note the ones in bold. Used in this sequence, they seem to generate a "double meaning" according to my teammates. No explanation from my side :-p We had a good laugh though !!

- I will give you a twist. (Please spare me ...............)
- Java has specified that we have to be declared. ( Oh yeah sure !! Declare us as dead after ur class !!)
- Whatever things I have been taught I will ask. ( How do we know what you have been taught ??? !!??)
- You must be needed to be done ( Huh??? )
- You are going to be generate your own stub ( Huh?? yet again )
- We have only 15 mins. We have to be covered completely (Huh??? Excuse me !!!!! You to be talking very vulgar mister!! I to not be accept this !!)
- I am describing you
- Many applications are running on the market ( Ohkay.. if u say so !!)

One of his last statements were, " If god knows, we will meet again". Come on dude. GOD KNOWS ALL, he wont make me meet you again !!!

Phew !! Thats all for today :D



Karan said...

just hilarious!
i hope now atleast all of u r covered completely :))

Goley said...

oh yeah definitely.. u got the "double meaning" ?? ;)

Unknown said...

reminds me of OR sir !! ROTFL