Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reality Check

You know how in some Bollywood movies, the hero or the heroine run towards the airport gate (bypassing security, of course) and manage to either get the gate open, or have the aircraft stop midway on the runway and make it come back. Reality Check, that doesn't really happen !! :D

I reached 2 mins late and they closed the gate.
First Shock : The aircraft was standing right there, I could see it from the glass window, but amazingly no one sees me waving from the glass window :-O How do they ALWAYS notice them in the movies?? I NEED to start wearing make up and stylish clothes all the time, who knows when I need to attract attention at an airport gate :D

Second Shock: Sadly enough, drama does not work :-( I screamed and jumped around but they did not open the gate again. Next time I should sing a song or make a up a "lovely" story. That's what they do in the films right?? :D

But well, I am not too sad. Because of the mess up, and my urgent need to re-book a flight next day, I got booked on business class :)

Now, THAT does not happen to people like me in the movies  !! Cheers to that :)