1. Journey of Atlantis, a roller coaster ride. The car goes down and splashes water all around. Then it goes into a tunnel, where the car moves vertically upwards, and the roller coaster starts.. Was a really cool ride.
2. Wild Arctic: This was something that I had never seen or experienced. You are made to sit in a aeroplane look-alike with rows of seats. This is a helicopter which has to go to the Arctic on an expedition. On the screen ahead there were videos of the Arctic, snow, sea, penguins and polar bears. The helicopter was going in and out of the cliffs, mountains, ice lakes and all of that. The helicopter moved and rocked in the Arctic winds. The engine broke down and we went plunging down into the ravine. All these effects were amazing and of course were complimented by the seats moving roller coaster-like. A very exciting experience !! :)
3. Dolphin and Killer Whale shows: Very interesting and entertaining shows, which most of us have seen on the TV sometime or the other. But the live show was something else. It was quite exciting. There are a few seats in the front, which are classified as the "soak zone". You can guess why ?? :D
SHAMU.. The star killer Whale!!
4. Shipwreck Rapids: These are boats and kind of waterfalls. Gives you a feel of wide water rafting.. Was a lot of fun, except for the fact that, I got soaked :-( I had to roam around in wet jeans and shoes for the next 3 hrs.
5. Haunted lighthouse 4D show: Right, so do you know wat the fourth dimension is??? Special effects like spraying water and moving chairs. It was an awesome show.. Completely enjoyed it. It was my first experience and was totally worth it :D