Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I love to ride my TVS Scooty Pep !! :)

I know the motorcyclists are going to be sneering right about now, thinking, " Bah!! How can someone ride a gearless, slow, blah, blah two wheeler like this!!" (i don't know how else they condemn scooters like scooty and activa)

But thats the only vehicle I own. And I do love riding it. I rarely keep my feet down [even at low speeds] and kinda feel proud of myself when I see ladies riding with there legs hanging down even at 30 Km\h .

Today I was riding on the road and overtook an aunty on a two wheeler. As I passed her, I saw that her bag, kept in the front, was almost falling out. So I slowed down, while she caught up with me. And then I said "Aunty, check your bag !!" She gave me a grateful smile and bent down to adjust the bag. I smiled and sped away really fast, seeing her become smaller in my rear-view mirror !

I felt like a superwoman :D ( Super heroes generally come out of nowhere, help ppl and then vanish with amazing speed )

I am SuperGoley !! :D

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