Flasback to yesterday, 21st of March, to the events that got me to this state .....
The annual sports day of HP STSD, bangalore was held yesterday, at YMCA grounds. There were a number of track and field events and some fun games too, like .. uh err ehem .. (didnt try anything other than that crossing obstacles stuff :-p)
But, i DID try my hand, rather my legs, at 50m and 200 m sprint (for the ignorant, it means "A quick run" ) In both I successfully got through the heats (again for the ignorant, it means "A preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race" )
In the 200m finals I sucked big time !! Started a couple of seconds late, so was last. Tried to match up to others, but my stamina gave way, so I gave up !! But I jogged the last 50m or so and completed the race graciously (displaying true sportsmanship :-p )
Friends and teammates looked sorta disappointed. My section manager said " When I saw u were coming last, i stopped cheering " Hmph !! You can guess why he is a bad manager !!
Anyways, I did manage to shock ppl with my performance in 50m finals (that was an achievable distance for me :D ), in which I bagged the SILVER. In fact, my team mates noticed that I was far ahead of the others. And if i was a 40m race I would have come first :)
....... end of flashback.
This is my first medal in an individual sports event, and it makes me feel really good :D
looks like mostly ignorant ppl read ur blog...
And you didn't see disappointment on ur friends' faces...You were already expecting disappointment on ur friends' faces maybe...
Yup maybe :)
certificate and medal is on the floor??
Yeah..Wanted to keep on a flat surface to get a good photo :p
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