Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Morning Blues

Was thinking today morning, when did I become so frank and blunt?? When did I learn how to handle people?? Not claiming I do that well, everyone has their own way of handling ppl. When did I develop my own way of doing that??

Answer came to me really fast : Sometime around 9th Standard, when I was 13. Thats when my sis left my school, leaving me alone to fight the world. Before that for all of my 13 years i would run to her for every little problem. But as she joined another school I became more independent and learnt to live with it.

In nutshell : I learnt much with her, But more without her !!


Unknown said...

:) see it from a little higher level of abstraction.. it means wen we are left alone, we learn wat is relevant to us and we learn it the best!!
so wen in doubt, dont run to others.. take ur time and resolve it urself..
or, as colonel frank slade says, wen in doubt, *&@%

Murali said...

Lessons from the virtuoso objectivist!

Thats one of the best lines in Scent of a Woman....